I AM focusing on the positive

Have you ever made yourself a note about something, put it away, forgot about it and re-found it later?
Searching my email inbox this week for something else I came across an email note I had sent myself this time last year with ‘Watch with detachment’ in the subject line and the body of the text read:
‘Like a movie you’re only half paying attention to, or are bored with, that you know has a happy ending’
That could not have been more appropriate for how I’ve been feeling lately, perhaps how we have all been feeling.
In the last month I have been guilty of sliding off track and becoming more caught up in worry and doubt than in mindfulness and calmness, trusting that all is well.
Yes I have still been immersing myself in nature, still watching and appreciating the trees, the flowers, the sunshine (when it’s not raining), the birds flying freely and insects going about their little lives, for this is one of the simplest ways to re-align and center yourself.
‘Going barefoot in nature immediately helps clear your energy. Stepping out onto the sand, putting your feet into the ocean, hugging a tree, all of these clear your energy. Nature is an incredible neutralizer of energy.’
Anita Moorjani
However, at the same time I have been increasingly in my head, my mind churning with different worries and fears from the information overload we are all subjected to, and trying to make sense of, on a daily basis.
It happens to us all if we don’t remain vigilant, especially with the constant bombardment of negative news, which can so easily throw us off kilter. Add the day to day hiccups and stresses of everyday life into that mix and it’s easy to see why we must make more of an effort to pay attention to where our minds and thoughts are straying.
Just like social media tracks what we watch and responds by bringing us more of the same stories to view, so too, do our lives become what we are thinking about all day long. If that applies to each of us individually, then imagine what happens when billions of us keep thinking about the same thing over and over again – we simply perpetuate more of that reality and keep ourselves stuck in it.
Here’s a way to switch things around. Beginning one by one, we can all start to think and believe in a better world than the one we appear to be witnessing currently. Look for the good things in your life that you are grateful for. It’s easy to do and our thoughts are free. Make sure to direct them positively.
We all think thousands of thoughts every day
So we must pay heed to which ones have their say
If we find ourselves thinking something that’s fearful
We can switch our thoughts to something more cheerful
When we do that online, the net changes our view
And so does the world with what then ensues…
Life mirrors back what we think and we feel
So we need to believe in a world that is healed…
It’s a choice we all need to make every day
To choose which focus we let have its way…
Our strength lies in each of us playing our part
And acting always from a kind, grateful heart
Even the smallest of positive thoughts
Will cancel out the negative sorts
If each of us do this, hour by hour
The more we increase our key combined power
This shifts the energy from chaos and fear
To one full of love for all near and dear
And sets off a ripple of magnificent change
That causes a great global re-arrange
Which lifts the vibration and transcends the fear
Bringing Heaven on Earth to all of us here
Excerpts from I AM Key: How To Help Change The World - https://amzn.to/3xvdpEb